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Bulgaria International Mathematics Competition 2013

Post by: longcv | 25/03/2013 | 9156 reads


Greeting address

by the Mayor of Burgas Municipality, Mr. Dimitar Nikolov, to the participants in 
Bulgaria International Mathematics Competition 2013


Gerb of Burgas

  Dear friends,

  I am happy to welcome you to Bulgaria and the beautiful seaside city of Burgas!

  For me, and for the citizens of Burgas, it is a great pleasure to greet you, the delegates and participants in Bulgaria International Mathematics Competition 2013. It is a particular honour that Burgas will be the first city in South-Eastern Europe to host the prestigious International Mathematics Competition.

  I am confident that this event will provide opportunities for you to acquire new skills and knowledge, and will be a useful basis for your future success and achievements.

  Burgas is one of the most dynamically developing cities in Bulgaria, a modern cultural and festival centre. Here you can visit the Sand Sculptures Festival, the only one on the Balkan peninsula, you can see the ancient Bulgarian treasures in “Sea casino” Cultural Centre, you can observe the birdlife of the region by visiting the ornithological centre in Poda Protected Area, you can get acquainted with the customs and traditions of Burgas in the Ethnographical museum, and explore the biodiversity of our unique nature in the Museum of nature and science. To feel the charm of Burgas, take the chance to walk in the romantic Sea garden and don’t miss the boat trip to the beautiful island of St. Anastasia.

  Whatever you choose to visit in Burgas, I am certain that you will be fascinated by the atmosphere, spirit and hospitality of our city, wishing to return to it.

  The Municipality of Burgas, the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, the Regional Inspectorate of Education - Burgas, the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians and the High-school of mathematics and natural science - Burgas, as organizers of the International Mathematics Competition 2013, wish you success at the competition and a pleasant stay in our city.

Dimitar Nikolov  

1. BIMC 2013 Objectives
  1. To organize an international mathematics competition for key stage II (upper primary education) and key stage III (lower secondary education) students.
  2. To motivate students and teachers to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics and high-order thinking skills.
  3. To establish cooperation networks of international mathematics improvement.
  4. To provide students with opportunities to exchange mathematics knowledge and practice, and cultural experiences by participating cities and countries.
  5. To upgrade school curriculum concerning mathematics to international standards.
2. Divisions of Competition
  BIMC 2013 is composed of 2 divisions:
  1. Key Stage II Division (Upper Primary Education)
  2. Key Stage III Division (Lower Secondary Education)
3. Qualifications of Participants
  Participants must have the following qualifications:
  1. Key Stage II: Students must not have enrolled in the secondary schools or any equivalent institutions, and were born on or after 01 August 1999.
  2. Key Stage III : Students must not have enrolled in the upper secondary education or any of its equivalence, and were born on or after 01 August 1996.
4. Participation and Application
  Participation in the competition is by invitation. Any invited city or country may apply up to 2 teams to participate in each division. Each team may comprise a maximum of 6 members: a team leader, a deputy leader, and 4 students. Except the following countries who may send four teams to participate in each division of the IMC Executive Board organized math contests due to their status as former or soon to be the hosts of IMC activities: Bulgaria, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Nepal, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea , Taiwan and Thailand.
5. Types of Contest
  There will be two kinds of contest in each division, namely individual and team contests. All participants must participate in both contests and other activities, as scheduled.
6. Competition papers
  Participating country must send ten proposed problems for Key Stage II contest (same for Key Stage III contest); that is 5 for Individual contest and another 5 for team contest written in English to BIMC 2013 Committee on or before 30 May 2013 for consideration and preparation of competition papers. Team Leader must avoid giving training to their contestants based on the exact proposed problems submitted to the organizers. The contest papers may be translated into each country’s native language on 01 July 2013, after opening ceremony.
7. BIMC 2013 Technical Committee
  BIMC 2013 Technical Committee comprises of experts from Bulgaria and members of IMC Executive Board.
8. Awards and Prizes
  • Individual Award: gold, silver, bronze medals and Merit Certificate
    Approximately two-thirds of the contestants will receive Individual Awards, in the form of Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals as well as merit certificate, in approximately the ratio 1:2:3:4.
  • Group Award: champion, 1st and 2nd runner-up trophies
    The highest score of the three contestants in each team for Individual Contest will be summed up. Prizes will be awarded to the top teams with the highest scores of each group in the form of one Champion, two 1st runner-ups and three 2nd runner-ups. If there is a tie, the team whose 4th contestant scores with higher marks in the Individual Contest will win.
  • Team Award: champion, 1st and 2nd runner-up trophies
    In the team contest, the total score of all contestants in each team is considered the team score. The teams are first ranked by their total scores. Ties are broken according to the scores of individual problems, starting with the most difficult one. Prizes will be given to one Champion, two 1st runner-ups and three 2nd runner-ups of different groups. Grouping will be done through drawing of lots.
  • Overall Award: Grand Champion, 1st and 2nd runner-up trophies
    The Overall Prize is awarded according to the sum of the four team members’ score in the Individual Contest, and of the team’s score in the Team Contest. The maximum score is 4x150+400=1000 (for EMIC) and 4x120+400=880 (for IWYMIC). Second and Third Prizes are also awarded.
  • Certificate: Every participant will receive a BIMC 2013 certificate.
9. Period of Application and Procedure
  • Interested city or country must submit the application form through an e-mail ( with copy to ) on or before March 1, 2013. The organizer will send the acceptance notice to your teams on or before 15 March 2013.
  • A filled-up application form must be submitted via e-mail to the organizer on or before 20 May 2013.
  • Each participating team must inform the organizer about its arrival and departure schedule at Burgas International Airport on or before15 June 2013.
10. Expenses
  • The organizer will take charge of all official expenses including meals, accommodation, transportation for sightseeing of the teams from each invited city or country during the official period of BIMC (30th June ~ 05th July 2013).
  • Participants who intend to stay in Bulgaria beyond the official duration (early arrival or late departure) are responsible for their own accommodation arrangements and food expenses.
  • Observers, parents and other accompanying persons have to pay a fee for accommodation, meals, transportation, and sightseeing during the period of official competition. Additional information will be provided at a later stage.
  • Participants may have to share rooms with their own team members or with members of the other teams.
  • Each participating team is responsible for the travel expenses from its homeland to Burgas International Airport, including visa fees and other expenses for its entry to Bulgaria.
11. Proposed Itinerary
30 June 2013 Arrival at Burgas International Airport,
Registration at the hotels (TBD).
01 July 2013 Opening Ceremony, 
Math Puzzles and Games,  
Math conference, 
Team Leaders Meeting,
Translation of Competition Papers by Team Leaders.
02 July 2013 2013 International Mathematics Competition ,
Competition for Key Stage II and Key Stage III (Individual Contest: 09:00 am, Team Contest : 2:00 pm) ,
Sightseeing Acitivities of Team Leaders),
Cultural Night.
03 July 2013 Sightseeing Acitivities,
Meeting of Team Leaders (Evaluating Competitors’ Solutions by Team Leaders).
04 July 2013 Closing and Awarding Ceremony, Shopping, Free Time.
05 July 2013
Departure for Homeland with Fond Memory of Bulgaria.


12. Official Languages
  English, Chinese and Bulgarian will be the official languages of BIMC 2013.
13. Organizer
  1. Municipality of Burgas
  2. Ministry of Education
  3. Regional Inspectorate of Education - Burgas
  4. Union of Bulgarian mathematicians
  5. High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Burgas
14. Medical Care for Participants
  All participants are advised to arrange medical insurance by themselves for the duration of their stay in the Republic of Bulgaria.
15. Additional Information

Each participating country should do the following:

  1. Inform the organizer in advance of any specified dietary requirements or restrictions;
  2. Prepare a 5 minute cultural performance for the cultural night;
  3. Complete visa procedures before arriving in Bulgaria.

Check the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prevent possible problems/ inconveniences.


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